Today, WE Choose and Obama Must Lose!!!

This is IT!!!

November 6th, 2012.

Today…WE choose.

Obama vs Romney.  Socialism vs Capitalism.  Free stuff vs Freedom.  Arrogance vs Humility.  Corruption vs Competence.   Bigger government vs Smaller government.  Community Organizer vs Successful Businessman.  Appeasement vs Strength.  Lies vs Integrity.

If you really want to boil it down…

Obama wants fewer rich people.

Romney wants fewer poor people.

Our economy is closer to the abyss today that it was 4 years ago. Then, we were in a recession and today, we face the fiscal cliff and Obama shouts…”Forward.”

With Obamacare, Obama engineered the largest single tax increase in American history with 21 NEW taxes…12 of which hit directly against the middle class he claims to embrace. Now, he wants to raise taxes again.

4 years ago, gas prices were $1.84/gallon. Today, it’s $3.50/gallon.

When Obama took office, he inherited a AAA credit rating and today, we’ve been downgraded twice.

Since Obama took office, the average income has dropped by more than $4000.00 and more people have completely dropped out of the workforce than have become employed.

When Obama took office, there were 32 million Americans on food stamps and today, that number has risen to 47 million Americans.

Obama says we’re moving in the right direction. He says things are getting better. Obama says we’re making progress and we shouldn’t stop now. “Forward” he says. “Forward.”

When Obama campaigned 4 years ago, he said he would cut the deficit in half in 4 years.

That deficit has doubled.

When Obama campaigned 4 years ago, he said our $10 trillion dollar national debt was unpatriotic.

That national debt is now $16 trillion dollars.

When Obama was campaigning 4 years ago, he said that on the day he was inaugurated, Muslim hatred of us would end.

Muslim hatred of us has not ended and in fact, those who plot to kill us now feel comfortable enough to strike at will.

Obama said if he couldn’t fix the economy in 3 ½ years he was looking at a 1 term proposition and today, he says he needs another 4 years.

When Obama was campaigning 4 years ago, he said that a candidate who couldn’t run on his record made the election about small things and personal attacks.

Today, Obama has made this election about Sesame Street, binders and personal attacks.

When Obama was campaigning 4 years ago, he said he would be the “post partisan president.

Today, he has become the MOST partisan president.

Obama said his would be the most transparent administration in history.

Obama’s administration has been cloaked in secret backroom dealings.

For a year and a half, Obama said he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious and then, when push came to shove, he exerted Executive Privilege over the truth of the matter.

Obama’s party says Republicans are the obstructionists and yet, it is HIS party which sits on more than 30 jobs related bills that THEY won’t even allow to come to a vote in the senate.

Obama’s proposed budgets have received not a single vote, even from his own party and 2 budgets drafted by Paul Ryan and passed by the Republican House also sit, on dusty shelves not being brought to a vote in the Democrat controlled senate.

“Forward” he says…”Forward.”

For the economy, the debt, the deficit…For a stalled congress, downgraded credit ratings and our sagging presence on the world stage…Obama has blamed Bush, the Tea Party, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, Republicans and everything but a full moon on Tuesday.

Mitt Romney says that when HE becomes the president, he won’t waste any time blaming HIS predecessor…He’ll get busy fixing the problems. Mitt Romney says he will not just take office…HE’LL take responsibility FOR the office.

Mitt Romney says he will work across the aisle to find solutions. It’s more than a campaign promise because he has a record of doing it. As the Governor of his state, Romney had an 85% Democrat legislature and yet, he was able to erase millions of dollars of debt and, in f 4 years, he left his state with a surplus.

Mitt Romney has spent most of his career in the private sector making his business a success and creating other business success stories. Romney understands what it takes to make small businesses into big businesses and how to turn an idea into a small business that can grow.

Mitt Romney’s life is an open book and while his detractors, including Obama, said he was hiding his tax returns and Harry Reed said Romney hadn’t paid a dime in taxes for at least 10 years, the truth became evident that Mitt Romney is NOT the tax cheat liberals claimed he was.

Mitt Romney has a pro-business, pro-domestic energy, pro-education plan to grow our economy, even the international economic playing field, make us energy independent and allow parents school choice for the best possible education for their children. Romney’s foreign policy will seek peace through strength and his plan will shrink government by ridding us of regulations that inhibit business and energy growth.

Obama’s plan for the next 4 years is the exact same plan which has led us to the edge of the fiscal cliff, wasted our money on his contributor’s failing green energy businesses and shown our adversaries appeasement abroad rather than strength.

In the closing days of this campaign, Obama has told his followers…”You know me…”

Do they?

Mitt Romney didn’t start HIS career in the home of a known domestic terrorist.

Obama did.

Mitt Romney didn’t attend a church for 20 years where the man in the pulpit yelled “NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA…GOD DAMN AMERICA!!”

Obama did.

Obama’s Social Security card can’t pass an E-Verify test.

Romney’s can.

Obama’s birth certificate has been shown to be a fraud.

Romney has a real birth certificate.

Mitt Romney didn’t surround himself in college with Marxists, socialists and radicals.

Obama did.

Mitt Romney has only used 1 name for his entire life.

Obama has used 3.

Obama has spent millions of dollars to seal his records, we can’t read his college thesis and there are those who are on the record stating that Obama received foreign financial aid to go to college.

And Obama says, to his followers…”You know me…”

Last weekend, Obama told his followers, “Vote…Voting is the best revenge.”

Only losers seek revenge.

Mitt Romney tells his supporters, “Vote for love of country.”

America needs a leader and leaders lead from the front. Leaders accept responsibility and leaders motivate.

For the last 4 years, Obama has led from behind and that’s a fancy way of saying that he was a follower. Followers assess blame rather than taking responsibility and followers have nobody behind them to motivate.

Mitt Romney says, “We can do better. We don’t have to live like this.”

Obama says it could have been worse.

Mitt Romney WILL make our nation better and we WON’T have to live like this.

Obama WILL make things worse and we WILL look back on this time as wish we could still live as we do, even now.

This is IT!!!

November 6th, 2012.

Today…WE choose and the choice couldn’t be more clear.

One thought on “Today, WE Choose and Obama Must Lose!!!

  1. You’re absolutely right. Obama Must Go (OMG) because this election is the only one in my lifetime when I knew our very lives were on the line. If Romney does not win, this country is lost and all those who fought and died during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have done so in vain. We cannot allow their blood to have flowed from their bodies only to see a Marxist-Muslim take our freedom and rights from us.

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