National Suicide or a Call to Arms?


Who would have guessed that Americans would enjoy free birth control pills, punishing success, food stamps, welfare, reduced freedoms, a weak national defense, appeasement of Islamists, high unemployment, a staggering and growing national debt, borrowing money from China, jacking up taxes, government control of your healthcare decisions  and killing their unborn children to this degree?

Who would have guessed that the American people would just keep digging from the bottom of a mine shaft to nowhere?

What’s the matter America?

Gas prices not high enough yet?

Your share of the national debt hasn’t hit 4 times your annual salary?

The dollar hasn’t been devalued far enough yet to suit you?

Not enough Constitution hating legislators on the Supreme Court yet?

What is it for Christ’s sake???

What’s it gonna take to wake up more than just die-hard engaged conservatives???

The Arab Spring Parade down Main Street of YOUR town?

I mean…Detroit is a rat hole and Dearbornistan is being run by the Muslim Brotherhood and yet, Michigan still votes for socialists.

On the East Coast…New York and New Jersey…people are homeless and those who still have a home don’t have electricity, don’t have heat, can’t buy gas, garbage and debris is everywhere and non union workers are chased out of town but, THEY still vote for MORE government.

The SAME “more government” who isn’t doing a damned thing to help them.

Hey…Jersey…Staten Island…Not thirsty enough yet???

Maybe we just don’t have enough Americans getting killed by terrorists on the other side of the world because the very people who should be protecting them AREN’T and they’re telling those who COULD have to “STAND DOWN!!”

Conservatives have had quite enough thank you very much but…

Moderates and Socialists, like crack addicts caked in their own feces and licking dog puke off the gutter of a street apparently haven’t hit rock bottom yet.

They need to go to rehab but, they just keep singing “No, No, No.”

The problem is, like Amy Winehouse…by the time they realize the depths of their depravity, it’ll be too late.

But what of the rest of us?

What of the once greatest nation on earth?

What happened last night is clear.

What of those of us who DON’T want to occupy socialism and travel down the sewer to the cesspool of communism?

Socialism won and America lost.

Free crap won and freedom lost.

Of the People, By the People and For the People is about to become…Of the N.N. BY the U.N. and FOR the U.N. and while a damned good number of us don’t want blue hatted weasels dictating to us our restrictions…Obviously there are enough socialists in this country that believe we should be a third world country.

Women broke heavily for Obama again last night.


Maybe the Obama loving fairer gender just feels that women’s right are way over rated. You think Republicans are waging a war on women???

Have you SEEN the countries the U.N. places on their Human Rights Council???

The REAL war on women is being waged by some of THOSE countries.

They say that if you don’t learn from the mistakes of history, you are doomed to repeat them. The issue is, while we’ve made our share of mistakes, it’s not OUR mistakes we’re about to repeat.

We are about to repeat the mistakes of every country, throughout history, that has adopted socialism and failed miserably because of it and there’s not one that has succeeded WITH it.

So…Who is to blame?

Voter fraud? In an election as close as this one, it’s possible but, that can’t be the whole of it.

Romney not going for the jugular on Benghazi? Maybe but that predetermines a single issue race which, clearly, this was not.

A lap dog socialist butt kissing media? Sure, they covered Obama’s ass for the last 4 years and insulated a blind and willingly duped public from any and all facts surrounding Obama’s scandals and past.

Perhaps a combination of the 3 and then some?

Here’s what I blame.

I mind numbed, stupefied electorate steeped in socialist propaganda after decades of indoctrination from the media and liberal/socialist asylums of lower and higher learning.

The creation of the entitlement, socialist generation didn’t start in 2008 and like any plan to “fundamentally transform” a nation, patience was the key factor.

We didn’t lose this election last night…We lost it 40 years ago and every year since.

It’s a tried and true tactic employed by dictators, socialists and our enemies for eons.

Indoctrinate the youth and build yourself an army of willing fools.

In other places, they do it at the end of a gun.

Here, our socialists do it at the end of a ballot.

Look at the pictures on the right and then, watch this.

Aside from the uniforms and assault rifles, what’s the difference from a tactical standpoint?

Those who have been programed not to think for themselves have also been programed not to question what is left unstated.

Fundamentally transform to what?

Who IS this guy who spent millions to seal his past from prying eyes?

What IS he hiding?

What DID he know and WHEN did he know it regarding Fast and Furious and Benghazi?

How close WAS he to people like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers?

WHY did congress have to pass Obamacare before they were allowed to read it?

Who REALLY caused the housing collapse that brought with it the economic crash?

Which party IS the real party of civil rights?

How many people in this administration ARE tied to Islamists?

It’s nearly an endless list of questions that those who cast their votes for the Socialist in Chief SHOULD have asked back in 2008 and, clearly should have asked again THIS year.

Socialism requires a willing and stupid blind faith to take hold and by the time people wake up to the disaster OF it, it’s too late.

This morning, the happiest people who aren’t getting a free Obama phone are Chavez, the Castro brothers, Ahmadinejad, the Muslim Brotherhood and other assorted groups of “You Tube video critics.” Their place on the world stage has become more secure while the future of our allies is shaken to its core.

After last night’s election, congress remains divided and the socialist remains in the white house.

What changes?

Can the Republic survive another 4 years of what we’ve been through?

How much deeper in debt can a nation go before it becomes literally impossible to reverse the damage?

Ask Greece or Spain. They’re on the brink of the abyss right now.

We have a mandate in the House. We have a conservative majority there and by God, the House had damn well act like they have a clear mandate and NOT bow down to the socialist agenda.

And what of those of us who know we’re on the road to ruin? What do WE do now?

I’ll tell you what we do.

We fight it every day, every step of the way. We put the pressure on the House to shut these socialists down.

The last time the nation was this ideologically divided, it led to civil war.

It could come to that again but, I believe there might be a way to prevent it.

Those in the House need to grow a massive set of brass balls and challenge this socialist usurper on everything!!

FORCE the Fast and Furious investigation past the Executive privilege. FORCE the investigation into Benghazi. FORCE the investigation into Obama’s past.

EXPOSE this fundamentally transforming traitor for what and who is REALLY is.

Impeachment with a socialist senate is out of the question but…PUT OBAMA ON TRIAL and don’t let up.

DEFUND Obamacare. PULL IT UP from the roots. It’s a TAX bill after all and TAXES are the purview of the conservative controlled House!!!

It’s up to the house to FORCE fiscal sanity and slam shut the purse strings.

It’s up to US as PATRIOTS to hold them accountable.

Gridlock would be our only hope but, with a Dictator more than willing to ignore the Constitution and rule by decree…

Keep your powder dry Patriots but keep it handy as well.

The target now is 2016 and it won’t be saving the Republic it will be rebuilding the Republic from scratch. If there’s any Republic left to be had, we MUST keep fighting.

This is our Call to Arms fellow Patriots and tomorrow…We’ll explore the state of the party.

30 thoughts on “National Suicide or a Call to Arms?

  1. The GOP gave us little, if anything, to contrast the socialist empire builders with…

    If you are going to discuss the ‘party’ make sure it is the Tea Party, we need to join the Libertarians and organize as a major 3rd party, to run our own consercative candidates…

    Screw the GOP!!!

  2. Very good! I believe that there are not enough real Americans left to elect a competent leader to this weary nation. The only way out of this mess will be a new civil war which I dread more than anything. I was so sad to hear of Romney losing it was our last chance!

    If there ever was a movement formed in this country. Which I new for certain was on the right path to take America back I would be at the front of the line to do my part. The problem is huge! It is not going to be done in 1 or 2 terms with a new leader. I would really hate to see it come to using force to make the changes but the road that we are headed down that may be the only way. God have mercy on America!

  3. Terrific article – hard-hitting and takes no prisoners!! Well written and a great clarion call for action – even if only to be VERY alert and seek ways to strengthen the potentially GREAT Conservative Movement! And we must never be discouraged by the ignorance, hate & lies of so many of our brain-dead fellow citizens!

    What I’m looking for now are the REAL LEADERS of this movement who will step forward and inspire all of us to action on many different levels.I know not everyone thinks Sarah Palin fills that difficult bill; but she’s been a fighter and VERY smart politician for many years. And, unlike so many other politicians, she’s honest and has always governed with a servant’s heart and a sharp pencil as she values a balanced budget with surpluses to fund important citizen causes (such as education). And she’s NOT afraid to “take it to” those in power who are abusing their office AND the US Constitution!

  4. This post is proof that P.T. Barnum was right.
    Open your eyes and get over yourselves people. Sheesh.

  5. OK — Wiki says it’s Greek and has a great entry. Google still can’t translate it.

    • Anne,

      It’s a challenge to those who would try and remove our guns and 2nd amendment rights.

      MOLON LABE!!!!!

  6. Thank you, admin! Molon Labe is “Bring it on” in what language? GoogleTranslate wanted to call it Italian, and then translated it Molon Labe! Feeling better now but need support where I have always been the support giver!

  7. Well said my friend, we must ( we meaning the ones that see through what has taken place and what is about to take place ) must be ready to fight and stand for what America stands for. Our troops arent safe anymore, being murdered by our countries own commaner in so called chief, so we have to protect whats here, because we are not safe! We must unite and stand together!

  8. We do need to stand, but we need to fight a little more in this corrupt crap to dig out arms and ammunition. I for one have been out of a job far to long to be able to afford to attempt to take anything back…which is I’m sure the point the government went for, but still.

  9. Someone said, “Stop organized crime. Re-elect no one!”

    Mark Twain said, “Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and for the same reason.”

    Perhaps if we followed these sentiments, we wouldn’t be in our current circumstances. Unfortunately however, most voters are just like dingleberries on a stray dog’s butt. They just keep on following the asshole no matter what direction it takes.

  10. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson

  11. Very well said, but my faith in the house’s ability to stop the anti Christ is not strong. I hope that they will stand up for America and push for the truth….but keep in mind that 53% of so called Americans proved that they aren’t interested in the truth, and have blindly embraced and driven the greatest country on earth into the history books. How many of our deceased relatives pulled the trigger for the left last night? I believe that what happened last nite was God’s will, meaning that we are done for and need to prepare the Lord’s return. That doesn’t mean don’t fight…I’ve fought for this country before and am thinking that I’ll be fighting again very, very soon…..not a political battle, but rather a physical, streets running with blood battle. I suspect that the top of the agenda is coming for our guns, food, and anything else that gives us the means to resist this tyranny and treason against America. Don’t forget that we are all to be “med chipped” by the end of March, 2013 per Obama care law. What will happen if we refuse? I imagine that we won’t be able to buy things we need to survive, and that those stupid blue hats will come to our doorsteps to show us the error in our ways, and then put us in “Labor Camps” until the death panel arrives and kills us for refusing to convert to Islam and countless other atrocities that we have been forced to endure? Make no mistake….it’s time to pray for peace….But PREPARE FOR WAR!!!

  12. This is, by far, one of the most ridiculous things regarding the state of our nation I have read in a LOOOOOONGG time.

    And the sad part is, I’m not even a liberal, a democrat, or even left-wing. I used to hold both sides in equal contempt, but over the past four years, the Republicans have managed to play partisan warfare with the very livelihood of our nation simply to make Obama look bad. And the conservative masses cheer them on, despite the fact that statistically speaking, they are the ones hurt the worst by the Republicans actions.

    You want to blame someone for the State of the nation? How about the fact that the Republicans have relied on the filibuster in record numbers the past two year to stonewall and shut down everything the Democrats have tried to do, simply to make them look bad? And don’t start in with the nonsense about “But Obama held the House for two years!” because a 5 second Google search and the ability to read will show you this is not true, the Democrats had a filibuster-proof majority for a whopping 72 days, and everything outside that time the conservatives stood in the way of getting things done, including shooting down, what was it, 19 or so job bills? And then they have the gall to blame everything on Obama.

    Dems: “We are going to pass a bill that will end tax write-offs for companies outsourcing jobs, and provide a 20% tax break for any company that brings jobs back to America soil!”

    Reps: “DENIED! And we are going to tell people you aren’t addressing the outsourcing problem!”

    Dems: “We are going to pass legislation that will provide a tax break to 160,000,000 million people to stimulate the economy by leaving more money in the hands of the consumers!”

    Reps: “NONONO! And we are going to tell people you are trying to raise taxes and hurt the economy!”

    Dems: “We are going to provide large tax breaks to businesses that are starting up and expanding, to promote small business growth and help the middle class!”

    Reps: “Not if WE have anything to say about it! And we are going to tell people that you are hurting small businesses!”

    It would be like if your house was burning down, and you ran forward with the water hose to put it out. But I tied your shoelaces together, tripped you up, tied a knot in the hose, turned off the water, and doused the neighboring homes in gasoline. And then, when the neighborhood burned down, I blamed it on you and said you were being lazy and burned down everyone’s homes. Makes alot of sense, right?

    I don’t actually think this will change anything, but I just wanted to rant. I am getting sick and tired of seeing people doing this nonsense, blindly swallowing whatever their partisan conservative leaders shove down their throat because “Dis is ‘Murica! HERP HERP”.

  13. I wholeheartedly agree with Thom Baxter. Unless we collectively recognize our pathetic ignorance of the God who chooses to bless nations….or not…. we have no claim to economic prosperity or the pursuit of happiness. Killing 55 million babies before their first breath is an audacious way to offend the King of Kings. How could we even expect His hand of mercy?

    America flushed itself down the toilet last night. For good.

    Our only hope is to coalesce around the states whose leaders still might remember the One who has the power to convey prosperity.

    I’m calling out Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota….and any other state that is sick and tired of treatment that makes King George look like a choir boy in comparison.

    I’ve worked all my life “in the system”….helping great candidates. Some win. Some don’t.

    We must not be guilty of the temptation to merely rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic at this moment. America has committed suicide and sooner rather than later, drastic effects will begin to take place.

    Secession! Let the drunk cowards who selfishly vote for another 4 years of welfare fend for themselves when the entitlements grind to a halt.

    I refuse to allow such selfish slobs permanently alter the course of my children and grandchildren!!

    America died last night. Let’s form a union of the states willing to refuse to go down with the ship.

  14. I am an American. Nobamao is the biggest joke in history. I WILL NEVER EVER Recognize The United States of America as socialist nation. I WILL ALWYS SUPPORT OUR CONSTITUTION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG, AND OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WHO SIGNED “The Declaration of Independence” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 4 July, 1776.

    It is appalling that people are lazy and just want a “free ride” for services. I am hard worker and I AM SICK AND TIRED OF NOBAMAO AND HIS “SOCIALIST, VERY LEFT WING” POLICIES. I voted for Romney and all we are going to get is fou more years of massive unemployment, foreclosures, repossesions of cars, high prices, and more misery in a cesspool of government waste.



  15. Not really awake yet. WHAT IS MOLON LABE? Craig, I agree with every word you wrote. We’re in big trouble. You did say we have to prepare for 2016. I think we have to work bigtime for the midterm 2014. The cable pundits are telling us it’s women and hispanics who lost it for us. WOMEN? How could my wiser, cooler gender be so stupid!!!!! And the military, for gosh sakes! Apparently exit polls in mid-Fla say the military were divided 50-50. That’s disgraceful, and so hard to believe. You are just too correct about decades of indoctrination of the youth. Thank you for your genius. May God bless us every one.

  16. I am with you in every sense except that you used Christ’s name in vain. Please edit that thank you so much I know you don’t have to but I am asking you to kindly.

    • Kimberly,

      I disagree. I did not use His name in vain…”For Christ’s sake” is not a profane use in these terms.

  17. You have spoken almost every thought I have had since last night. Can we recover from this? That is the real question. Obama will have his way, and I don’t have faith in Congress to stop him. Cowards abound. Can we survive more far left Supreme Court justices? Can we survive a populace that is so shallow, and mind numbingly STUPID that they happily shoot themselves in the foot? Can we survive the takers far outnumbering the providers? But most of all, can we survive a nation who will vote for an ideology that denies God three times in its party platform? I’m not feeling it. God has given them over to a reprobate mind. It’s what they wanted, after all.

    They have Braille for the blind, but nothing for the STUPID. Will I keep fighting? I will get back to you on that one.

  18. Well said my friend. We must rally the troops at the local & state level to protect ourselves from tge coming tryanny & pressure our US House members like never before to do the right thing!

  19. Lady Liberty is crying at what this country has become. i am for dividing the country, and letting the lazy corrupt fools starve. They think they are so smart, what will they do when the ones who actually earn money leave to be on our side. they will come to our borders begging. i say, turn them away for at least 10 years. Let them live in the filth they call country, let their numbers dwindle while they kill them before they draw their first breath. i believe the military can save us as well, but will they? I ready to be with the red states, and form our own territory. show the blue states whose backs they broke, and whose backs stayed strong. Lets open the bases for our homeless and new families joining our fight. I’m ready, I’m a Republican.

  20. As a Vietnam Vet, I fought and bled that this country would be free. I gladly volunteered as so many in my family had in generations past all the way back to the War for Independence. I hear righteous indignation in many post this morning, but I do not hear much about our moral responsibility to return this nation to its guiding principles. We have sadly neglected our rightful place as the moral leaders of the world. Our homes are under attack through alcohol and drug abuse, pornography, divorce, same sex marriage, abortion and secular humanism. Social justice only leads to further decay in godly values. I still will support and defend the Constitution with my life.

  21. II Timothy 3:1-5,7 “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

  22. You seem to understand how dire things are. But I’m not hearing that you understand how dangerous THEY are? Do you think they will give the opposition any slack now? Did Hitler give his opposition any slack once he knew he had absolute power? How can the House do anything? The only thing remotely possible is if the military goes in and takes over the WH by force. Even citizens fighting won’t cut it, because they’ll just slaughter anyone who does. That’s why the military HAS to be the force that saves us. Just like it’s saved millions of people throughout our history. If they don’t…

  23. Mr Andresen,
    This is without a doubt one of the best definitions of the condition and future of our nation I have read yet. We are at a crossroads in this Republic and it seems we have taken a” left” turn against the wishes of most thinking Americans. The question I have is what will it take to turn this thing around, seems we have much to do. Great read!! Thanks
    F.L McElroy

  24. ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’

    Pity party – over. Time to get back to work.

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