Weekend Edition: Allen West – No Surrender

The election is over.

It’s done and the winners have been announced.


It’s not over. Not yet. Not in the state of Florida. There, the election continues but, not in the way it most certainly should.

It’s disgraceful.

Congressman Allen West waits.

In fact, Congressman West demanded a recount after it was announced that he had lost his bid for reelection. The margin of his loss was greater than the number which would trigger an automatic recount and a West Palm Beach Florida Judge, David Crow, denied a motion from West’s attorneys to impound ballots and voting machines from CD 18 and West’s “apparent” narrow loss to Patrick Murphy.

Why a motion to impound the voting machines and ballots?

The answer is both simple and staggering.

There are thousands of votes yet to be counted in Florida’s Congressional District 18. That’s Congressman West’s district.

8,000 or so votes yet to count.

Those uncounted votes belong to a very important group of voters.

Those are absentee ballots, cast by our military and they sit, in boxes, not being counted.

This is beyond disgusting. This is beyond absurd.

It’s a travesty of the process upon which this country was founded.

The travesty goes even deeper though.

Palm Beach County, where these ballots pertaining to West’s reelection is lagging far, FAR behind the counting of ANY and ALL other counties in the election challenged state of Florida.


Because, the machines used to tabulate the ballots is, in fact, DAMAGING THOSE BALLOTS!!!

How convenient.

According to Judge Crow, Allen West’s motion is… “premature” because official results have not yet been posted. Crow also said it is not the court’s role to set elections procedures and that such procedures already require securing ballots and other materials in case there is a recount.


If, at the end of the “official” count, there is a need for a recall, one can EASILY see where DAMAGED ballots would or could be…IMPOSSIBLE to recount!!!

I’ll get back to this Judge’s ruling.

In far flung places around the world, our men and women stand to defend their country. OUR country. In doing so, they defend our freedoms, our liberties and our lives. They have all, every one of them, volunteered to do this.

Many are in the most dangerous places on earth. Places where one can’t tell from minute to minute whether they will be attacked by those who present themselves as enemies or by those who present themselves as friends.

One of the most basic protections offered us by our military is the right to vote.

The right to choose our leaders, our senators and yes, our Members of Congress to govern by the will of the people.

And their votes sit in boxes, not being counted.

It makes me sick.

It’s worse than many of you might think.

Congressman Allen West…Ltc. Allen West…Is in a pitched battle with a liberal, snot-nosed kid…Patrick Murphy, who has relentlessly made personal attacks against West throughout the campaign portraying West as one who would beat up little old ladies.

Murphy’s daddy produced and ran such an ad on Florida TV during the election.

The vote, on election night, was far closer than any polling suggested it would be which raises questions in and of itself but, SO close that that the counting has continued.

West was behind, ahead, behind again by 2500 votes and then, ahead again by some 300 or so votes.

And sitting there, in boxes, are the CD 18 ballots cast by our military around the world and it’s not JUST that their not being counted it’s that, the liberal Election Supervisor, Susan Bucher, is refusing to allow anyone… Any republican or independent observer…Observe what is happening with those 8,000 military ballots.

Congressman West is a 22 year Army veteran and he’s stood proudly for his service to our country and more proudly for the rights and safety of those who wear our uniforms today. Allen West has been their voice and, as conservatives, our voice in Congress.

Allen West doesn’t clutter his comments or speeches with politically correct deflections of facts. He is politically direct and that catches many people off guard. It scares liberals to their shallow cores.

It is a certainty that within those 8,000 uncounted CD 18 military ballots are an overwhelming number for Allen West. Those who cast those ballots are Allen West and Allen West is them.

And Susan Bucher, a liberal, in charge of the Florida election refuses to allow anyone to observe the process of what is happening with those ballots.


Here’s where Judge Crow’s ruling against impounding ballots and voting machines comes back into play.

Impounding ballots and machines, as Allen West has requested, would INCLUDE those 8,000 UNTOUCHED ballots from or military.

By “UNTOUCHED” I mean…

UNDAMAGED by the machines that liberal Election Supervisor Susan Bucher has stated have damaged already COUNTED ballots which could very well NOT be able to be validated by a RECOUNT!!!

Judge Crows order, in turning DOWN the requested impounding of ballots and machines leaves OPEN the opportunity to DAMAGE THOSE 8,000 UNCOUNTED BALLOTS AS WELL!!!

It also leaves, unchecked, the issue, if one really exists, for why the machines are damaging ballots in the first place.

It’s shameful.

It’s dead wrong.

It is, in fact, a liberal/socialist tactic.

Those who cast those uncounted CD 18 ballots are NOT second class citizens.

THEY are the VERY BEST America has to offer. THEY are the FRONT LINE OF FREEDOM.

They ARE America and THEIR votes MUST be counted.

They deserve to have their votes counted in an open and valid procedure which maintains the validity of the process.

Anything less is a travesty and a willful manipulation of the vote the likes of which are typically seen in 3rd world countries run by dictators and despots.

Since Tuesday night, West’s opponents, yes plural, Patrick Murphy, liberals, socialists and communists has pressured him to concede the election.


Allen West is a man of honor with a 22 year military career history. To ask this man to “concede” before the last vote is counted is asking him to do something that is simply put, not in his DNA.

Allen West will not surrender.

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot

Weekend Edition 11/10/12

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8 thoughts on “Weekend Edition: Allen West – No Surrender

  1. What about the other county’s where it was reported that 141% of registered voters voted? I’ve not seen or heard a single update on THAT from Florida as well…Does anyone know?

  2. Don’t concede!!! Keep fighting until he wins as he should. Romney should be DEMANDING a recount in all the swing states.

  3. All available military vets and non-actives need to desend on Palm Beach County and the election office to take control of the situation. We can effectively count those ballots and insure that justice is administered.

  4. Allen West has good reason to stand up against this. The military vote was suppressed to make it appear Obama won, and I suspect the same is the case here. The dems did not win this election but the voter fraud and voter suppression make it look like they did…… There are places all over the country where more people voted than there were registered voters and where every single registered voter voted for Obama? Not a chance in this world guys. The fraud is rampant. Good for you Allen West for being one man with enough back bone to call it what it is and fight back!


  5. And yet, we the people, the people who care about the future of this country and the rights of our children, sit and back and do NOTHING but complain to a nation who doesn’t care.

    You want changed? You want freedom? Butch up and FIGHT FOR IT!

  6. Keep fighting. I am praying Congressman West will prevail. We need more men like him

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