Standing on the Right Principles More Important than Ever

Yesterday, I wrote the inauguration speech I believe we must hear and inserted Mitt Romney’s name into it. The reaction was pretty much exactly what I expected and, over the last several months, predicted.

I have been referred to as a Nazi, a turncoat and a piece of shit. I have been accused of abandoning my principles, becoming a RINO, buying into the media bullshit and goose stepping.

This is because I, back on October 21st, endorsed Newt Gingrich and have, since that time, promoted his candidacy.

Let me make this really, really clear. Newt Gingrich is my personal choice and who I personally believe would be the best choice in 2012.

I am also a realist.

Doing the math, the chance of Newt winning the nomination is nearly impossible. He is simply too far behind at this point in the delegate count, he’s out of money, he has reduced his staff and he has all but conceded saying he will stay in until the end to garner as many delegates as possible to have some sway in the convention agenda. This doesn’t mean I don’t WANT him to win…It just means I can’t see a clear path to that end through the math of it all.

So…By writing an inauguration address for Mitt Romney have I abandoned my principles? Am I a turncoat? A Nazi or any of the other things I have now been accused of?

Allow me to provide some insight into MY principles.

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The Inaugural Address That Must be Delivered

As it appears Romney IS now the inevitable GOP nominee, I believe THIS is the address we MUST hear on day 1.

Thank you and good afternoon.

My name is Mitt Romney and I am the President of the United States of America.

There are some things we need to get straight and the sooner the better.

Let me start…Now.

This great nation is a mess. Our economy, our government, employment, our debt. It’s all a mess.

This is something which needs to be made crystal clear. I did not inherit this mess. I have chosen to correct it. The time for blame is over and the mess is what it is regardless of how or who created it. I ran for President and was elected to this office to correct the problems not to blame others for them.

It’s a tremendous undertaking. It will not be fast. It will not be easy.

But rest assured, we will begin today to take the appropriate steps to make things right again.

The first and most important step we can take in this regard is to start getting government out of the way. Our future will be built exactly the way our great past was built: On the ingenuity of, on the creativity of and with the hard work of the private sector. If government stands in the way of what made our nation great, we can never reclaim our greatness.

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Is THIS Why Obama Wants Tax Hikes?

Okay. Who is to blame THIS time? Bush? A tsunami? European markets?

Who is going to get the blame? Republicans in Congress? Unelected judges? Global warming?

Somebody or something has to be held responsible for the Secret Service’s not so secret service, but I can tell you nobody is more elated to hear that those who guard the president are caught in a hooker scandal than the GSA.

Today, the GSA begins to appear before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. So extensive is the investigation into the GSA’s rampant spending sprees, absurd videos bragging about their rampant spending sprees and their Vegas convention to award and reward themselves for their rampant spending sprees that, in all, there will be 4 separate committees looking into the matter.

Of course, last week, as more videos were coming out, blame was assessed to George W. Bush and his administration.


Jeffery Neely, who put together the whole GSA Vegas Experience, is going to plead the 5th. Oh, the committee can ask whatever they want but…Neely will plead the 5th over and over again. In fact, he didn’t even think it necessary for him to appear in DC this morning.

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Obama/Shabazz – Allies in a New Race War

“We’re going in soon within a few weeks and we’re going to train the community and community patrols and community self-defense in Sanford. We’re not going to allow some Neo-Nazis to drive around and intimidate black people and we know what we know and are trained how we’re trained.

We have to raise up an army in Florida of black me[n] and black people who will patrol and defend the community and we have to have a ministry of defense in Florida.

You touch us with what we are building for black people and you got a hell of a price to pay. You don’t build a movement – if you don’t develop a movement and defend what you develop with a movement then you gonna be out of luck. So we gotta do both my sista. We got to fight on all fronts. We got to build and in self-defense we got to kill.”

If, as the result of Malik Zulu Shabazz’s call to violence, a black person dies in or near Sanford Florida…the drum beat of racial war will be deafening.

If a white person dies in or near Sanford Florida because of Malik Zulu Shabazz’s call to violence…the SILENCE will be deafening.

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Friday Fume

In this wide and mysterious world, there are many things we will never completely understand.

Take idiot savants for example.

There are idiot savant musicians who stumble about in a stupor until placed before a piano and suddenly they become Vladimir Horowitz. There are idiot savant artists who stumble about in a stupor until placed before a canvas where, suddenly, they become DaVinci.

Then there are idiot savant liberals…

Who stumble about in a stupor…

It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

First stop on this week’s world tour is…FRANCE…Where scientists are, um,…


Isn’t this pretty much how PLANET OF THE APES GOT STARTED???

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War on Women…Are Liberals REALLY This Stupid?

Liberal/socialist strategist Hillary Rosen had this to say last night regarding Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann.

“His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of women in this country are facing.”

Wow…Out of the blue?


“Well, you know, I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job — I mean, since she’s been grown up.”

-Teresa Heinz Kerry slamming Laura Bush

“I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.”

-Hillary Clinton in 1992 slamming stay at home wives and Moms

No…Not out of the blue by ANY means. In fact…it’s a time worn liberal mantra.

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Now that charges have been made there are new questions which must be considered and primary among them is the question of where this trial will take place.

Can Zimmerman get a fair trial in Sanford or, for that matter, in the state of Florida?

I suggest this question now has two parts which must be considered.

First, George Zimmerman. Can HE get a fair trial in Florida?

Zimmerman has been tried in the media and by the public. The New BlacKKK Panthers put a bounty, dead or alive, on his head. A Congressman wore a hoodie on the floor of the house while others have appeared with Martin’s parents and at rallies.

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North Korea is Fueling Their Middle Finger

And…There it stands. Like a giant middle finger flashed in the direction of the United States…There is stands. An intercontinental ballistic missile. In the heart of North Korea. There it stands.

They’re fueling it now. Even as this is being written that missile is being fueled.

They will launch it.

The window for that launch opens tonight and remains open for a few days. It will be launched.

If it flies over Japan, Japan has vowed to shoot it out of the sky and damn good for them.

The North Koreans say it’s to launch a satellite which would help their people but that’s a load of crap and we all know it. No satellite will help the people of North Korea.

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Calling Out The New BlacKKK Panthers

The New BlacKKK Panther Party is the militant arm of the Community Organizer in Chief’s administration. It’s just that simple.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are Obama’s liaisons to the New BlacKKK Panther Party.

The above names, from the Congressional Black Caucus comprise the New BlacKKK Panther Party’s legislative wing. Missing from that list is Allen West. West has been the ONLY Member of the Congressional Black Caucus to speak out stating, “To openly solicit for the death of an American citizen, with reward, is not in keeping with the laws of due process which governs this Constitutional Republic,” West wrote. “However, this is to be expected when irrational voices dominate our public dialogue and are fueled by an ideological driven media.”

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Cos and Effect – Bill Hypocritical on Trayvon

To quote the words of Eddie Murphy as he was imitating Richard Prior, “Tell Bill I said have a coke and a smile and shut the &^@$ up.”

What that line was in reference to was a skit wherein Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to criticize his comedy style.  Eddie Murphy then recounts a conversation he had with Richard Prior about the subject.

However, the line is just as appropriate when you consider Bill Cosby’s latest comment regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting.  “When you carry a gun, you mean to harm somebody, kill somebody.”  Let that sink in for a moment.

I am a gun owner as are, I suspect, many of you reading this.  I can say first-hand that my carrying of a gun has never meant I mean to harm somebody or kill somebody.  What it has meant to me was self-defense.  The simple act of carrying a gun gives me peace of mind.  When deployed, I would carry a gun, as would all military members (and some civilians) around me.  Not one person has ever given me pause to think they are intending to kill someone or do someone harm.  In fact, the reason to carry is gun is to prevent harm, or should someone intend to do me or others around me harm, I can answer back with lethal force.

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