The TRUTH Shall Set Us Free

The great and mighty, all knowing above the law and beyond religion Emperor needs a “Truth Team.” Dear Leader and his minions have announced 3 websites where his version of the truth can be spread. To understand how this works, one must first define the liberal/socialist “truth.”

Truth (trooth) Noun

1)      A lie told often enough. 2) A lie told loudly, often over the top of someone elses vocalizations. 3) A lie spread by means of like-thinking media outlets. 4) Disinformation believed by those with access to facts to be grossly incorrect. 5) Whatever the Liberal/Socialist Emperor says it is.

The Emperor’s “ was the first of the 3 to be brought online. That site is dedicated to a “big brother” sort of approach. On “” the Emperor’s supporters can turn in their neighbors, various websites, billboards, media reports, advertisements and the like which dare to utter, publish, print or broadcast anything against the Emperor’s ideology or, gasp, against the Emperor himself.

“” has been in effect for several months and has been constantly bombarded by conservatives turning themselves in. The National Patriot did just that on the very first day “Attack Watch” went live.

“Keeping GOP” is the second of the 3 sites which provides a means by which liberal/socialists can provide damaging information, fact or rumor or just flat out myth, regarding the Emperor’s rivals.

The third of the sites, “” has been set up to promote the Emperor’s accomplishments.

At this point, we suspect “” has some sort of post describing how the Emperor personally led the mission to dispatch of bin Laden with previously deemed inappropriate because they might piss off al Qaeda photos…soon to come.

Also, at least for now, in a sample page of “” just to the right of the Emperor’s signature, is a post describing how the Emperor has fought for and personally rescued our auto industry. Missing from that post is how Chrysler is soon to become more than 50% foreign owned by Fiat and how Government Moters has yet to pay back their bailout loan while their Chevy Volts, all 7500 sold so far, have had to be recalled.

Missing also from that post of “Truth” is how Ford has come through the recession and built success without taking one red cent of the taxpayer funded bailout.

Well, thank GOD (whom is below the all knowing, all seeing mighty Emperor) he managed to “Save” the auto industry and THANK THE EMPEROR (We believe that is now the “truthful expression) that this website is there to remind those who seem to, because of access to facts, see it somewhat differently.

There IS a word most often associated with this sort of…”Information.”

Prop·a·gan·da [prop-uh-gan-duh] noun

1. Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. 2. The deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc. 3. The particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

What we won’t get from the Emperor’s “Truth Team” are things like the truth behind why he now believes he needs the help of super PACs to fund his…campaign or what he may have known regarding Fast and Furious.

We won’t discover from his “Truth Team” the extant of crony politics in the bailout of a growing number of bankrupt green energy companies or what he really meant by “Fundamentally transforming” America.

The Emperor’s “Truth Team” will not reveal his real agenda behind such things as ignoring the uprising in Iran while insisting Mubarak must go or his involvement in the rise of al Qaeda in Libya either.

The Truth team would be of great help in uncovering the Emperor’s past were they indeed interested in facts.

His “Truth Team” could get to the bottom of how he got a Social Security number from Connecticut while he was living in Hawaii and why that number was originally assigned to a man in 1976 who was born in 1890. They could, but they won’t.

The “Truth Team” could also reveal who paid for the Emperor’s college tuition, unmask the actual original birth certificate rather than the one which seems to have been created on a computer and explain how, at one point in his life, the Emperor managed to live in 2 different countries at the same time.

Perhaps the “Truth Team” could let us in on exactly how both the Emperor and his attorney could ignore a court subpoena, refuse to participate in a hearing, offer absolutely no evidence or testimony to refute the plaintiff’s case and still walk away with a win based on the 14th amendment and a state case from Indiana which had nothing to do with the case presented.

Come to think of it, a Posse might be better suited for this task and as we understand it, Sheriff Joe has one and will make THEIR findings known next month.

Surely, a “Truth Team” would have the ability to divulge how a malfunction which cannot be duplicated caused a super double top secret spy drone could land itself in Iran.

A “Truth Team” would also unveil the real reason the Emperor suggested that Israel return to their pre 1967 borders.

Clearly, there are any NUMBER of things that a “Truth Team” COULD do.

But they WON’T.

And that my fellow patriots, is the…

Truth [trooth] noun, plural truths  [troothz, trooths]

1. The true  or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. Conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. The state or character of being true. 5. Actuality or actual existence.