Obama’s SOTU…Socialism of the Union

I believe that, last night, we heard the LAST State of the Union address from Obama.

(Waiting for the thunderous applause to die down)

Thank you…Thank you very much…Thank you…Please…Please, be seated…Thank you very much.

It was more of the same old thing. Lots more.

Hike taxes on the rich.

Fair share.

More government.

Honestly, one needs a socialist decoder ring to fully understand an Obama speech.

“The state of our union is getting stronger, and we’ve come too far to turn back now.”

Decoded: Substitute “socialism” for “Union” and you get the real message.

“What’s at stake are not Democratic values or Republican values, but American values. We have to reclaim them.”

3 years ago, he was telling us he wanted to “Fundamentally change” America and last night he thinks we need to reclaim American values?

Decoded: Substitute, “socialist” for “American” and you get the real message.

“I intend to fight obstruction with action,” he said. “With or without this Congress, I will keep taking actions that help the economy grow. But I can do a whole lot more with your help.”

Decoded: “I intend to fight those who would oppose ME with action. Unless this Congress does things MY way, I will keep taking actions to help SOCIALISM grow. I might be the Emperor but I can do a whole lot more for the cause of socialism if YOU adopt socialism too.”

Obama indicated that “the defining issue of our time” is to find a way to insure that if people work hard they will succeed.


If that is really how he feels, then why does he also want to soak the rich with higher and higher taxes?

It makes one wonder what, exactly, Obama means by “succeed,” doesn’t it?

By continuing his call for higher taxes on those who DO succeed, and his continued call for an “even” playing field combined with his continued calls for “fair share” and “Fair shot,” Obama is, in reality, punishing success.

Not only that, but increasing capital gains taxes would have the effect of slowing investment in new and growing businesses.

Obama championed the auto industry and the bailouts. He talked about GM, Chrysler AND Ford.

Ummm…All of Government Motor’s Volts have been recalled, Chrysler will soon be owned primarily by Fiat and Ford never took one red cent of bailout money.

Then, referring to the auto industry Obama said, “What’s happening in Detroit can happen in other industries. It can happen in Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Raleigh.”

Have you SEEN Detroit lately? If I were Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Raleigh…I’d run for the hills!

“It’s time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding companies that create jobs right here in America.”

Maybe the best place to start is by NOT rewarding the CEO of GE, whose company paid ZERO taxes last year, with an appointed position of JOBS CREATION czar after sending his entire X-ray division over TO China.

Just sayin’…..

“I believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration. That’s why my Administration has put more boots on the border than ever before.”

Not to mention more lawsuits against states trying to enforce the immigration laws your administration isn’t.

“What’s true for natural gas is true for clean energy. In three years, our partnership with the private sector has already positioned America to be the world’s leading manufacturer of high-tech batteries. Because of federal investments, renewable energy use has nearly doubled. And thousands of Americans have jobs because of it.”

Where do we even begin with this one?

Decoded: “Federal investments” means, “spending your money.”

Obama has, over the last 3 years, spent a whole LOT of your money on green energy, hasn’t he? Solyndra? Beacon” Yeah, that’s working out well. Renewable energy? Like…biofuels. The EPA is fining oil companies for not adding biofuels that don’t even exist to their products. That’s working out pretty well too, huh?

And, if the government can do for “High tech batteries” what they did for the light bulb… well…we’ll all be crapping in tall cotton won’t we?

The speech last night was long and filled with absurdities and contradictions. It was a rehearsal for campaign speeches. It lacked luster and impact and highlighted Obama’s approach to acting unilaterally without the consent or guidance of a Congress elected by the people.

No solutions to Social Security or Medicare were offered, no explanations of the denial of the Keystone XL pipeline offered and it was filled with more big government spending and higher taxes on those who have attained the American dream.

Maybe the best way to sum this up would be to off one more quote and response.

“Ask yourselves what you can do to bring back jobs to your country and your country will do everything it can to help you succeed.”

In this statement, Obama again has tipped his socialist hand.

Kennedy said, “Ask NOT what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

When Obama uses the word “Country” he is substituting it for “Government” and here is the cold hard truth…We don’t need the help of government to be successful, we need government to get the hell out of the way so we can achieve success.

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