With Iran, Obama is in WAY Over his Head

Whatever is happening inside Iran, one thing is clear.

Crystal clear.

That is, that whatever is happening inside Iran is completely unclear.

Over the last few weeks, Iran has threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. has said, OH NO YOU WON’T.

Sanctions have been put in place. More sanctions have been threatened.

Iran has said THEY have started the process of enriching uranium in an underground facility.

Ahmadinejad has been making smiles and nice with Chavez and Castro.

Behind the scenes, we hear reports that Obama and his administration is trying to tell Israel NOT to attack Iran.

We hear reports that Obama and his administration has told China that “we can’t hold Israel off” forever.

Iran is apparently holding and has sentenced to death an American with dual Iranian citizenship because the so called spy was visiting his grandmother yet Iran claims a nuke scientist who was killed in a car bombing was assassinated by the CIA…or Israel…or somebody.

The United States says grandma’s boy isn’t a spy and we had nothing to do with the car bomb.

One of our top secret spy drones “Landed itself” in Iran.

Obama asked Iran if he could have his drone back.

Iran said…”nope.”

Iran has told the Arab world, also known as OPEC, not to increase THEIR oil shipments if more sanctions go into place.

And, while I hate to be the one to ruin Obama’s October surprise, there are even some reports out there purporting that the U.S. will attack Iran this fall.

Anybody else’s head spinning like a salad shooter?

First and most importantly, Israel has never asked the U.S. to fight for them and they’ve never asked our men and women to defend them.

They shouldn’t have to.

We should always be there to help without being asked.

One thing IS certain, Israel should never, EVER have to get OUR permission to defend ITSELF.

By having Obama and his administration trying to tell Israel NOT to do anything is just plain wrong. Obama has turned his back, again and again, on Israel and to now think HE holds sway? I don’t think so.

Obama is telling China he can’t hold Israel off forever?

Here’s my guess…If Israel decides to act, I don’t think Obama can hold them off for 5 minutes…Never mind eternity.

Ahmadinejad’s pattycake meetings, filled with laughing about HAVING nukes and USING them is little more than a madman looking to see if he still has friends…just in case.

Iran has threatened to shut the Strait of Hormuz BECAUSE of the sanctions now in place which would squeeze the oil shipments AND keep the U’S. Navy from uninterrupted maneuvers. It’s really not much of a threat from a strength standpoint but any action by us in response to any action by them would result in a lot more action.

The first action Iran would likely take would be in Iraq, against our embassy. That’s because all the troops who SHOULD be there as a deterrent are now in Kuwait.

Ahhh…to be in Baghdad now that spring is near.

If there was ever a time to appoint Ron Paul as our Ambassador to Iraq, now would be it.

Maybe, before it’s too late, Obama will send a tourist ferry up the Tigris to retrieve our Embassy staff. Trust me he’s done it before and it’s the LEAST he could do.

Now then as to the whole “Spy” thing.

Does Iran have even an inkling of how foolish they look right now?

They nabbed the “spy” who was having goat’s milk and cookies at his grandmother’s house but the one who they claim planted a sticky bomb under the car of one of their top nuclear wizards got away plumb clean?

Every Iranian kid who has taken shop class from a guy with one arm missing has been taught how to build an IED and lots of those little juvenile delinquents don’t like the Iranian leadership any more than they like Tebowing yet, the OFFICIAL line is…a CIA agent of an Israeli snuck in and blew their rocket scientist into 72 virgin territory.

I rather doubt we would sneak up and plant a bomb under a car and if Israel had anything to do with it, they’d take out something more substantial than a single guy’s ride to work.

Iran’s telling OPEC not to increase THEIR shipments to make up for sanction shortages? Seriously?

Good luck with THAT Iran. OPEC is in business to SOAK the west and any chance THEY get to soak us MORE, they’re gonna take.

Finally…we have that pesky unsubstantiated report that Obama might be planning to attack Iran this fall.

This IS an election year and the ONLY bump Obama has gotten was when we took out bin Laden. A September/October SURPRISE…attack against Iran might be the sort of last ditch effort Obama would make if he’s still in as much poll trouble then as now.

If only Iran was a neighborhood BBQ…Our community organizer would be the right man for the job.