Going to Iran to Visit Your Grandmother? Good Luck With That

Iran says that Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a “former” Marine (those of who know, know there is no such thing as a FORMER Marine) is a CIA spy and after a quick trial, they have sentenced him to death.

Hekmati has 20 days to appeal.

I say Hekmati is something quite different but what that is depends on to whom you relate his status.

To understand this, we must go back to the first sentence of this article.

Iran says Amir Mizraei Hekmati, a “former” Marine is a CIA spy.

The key word in that sentence is… “Says.”

They SAY he’s a spy. But what is he REALLY? To THEM…What is Hekmati REALLY?

This I believe is more reflective of reality.

To Iran, Amir Mirzaei Hekmati is a bargaining chip.

Iran is facing stiff sanctions from the United States and a naval presence near the Strait of Hormuz. This, of course, is in response to Iran’s growing nuclear program which, as we learned a month or so ago, is two years or less from developing a nuclear weapon.

We also learned this past weekend, Iran has started to enrich uranium in more than 300 centrifuges at an underground facility.

Iran needs some leverage and they have Hekmati.

But…We don’t make deals with terrorists or rogue nations…do we?

Well, we didn’t USED to – but, under Obama, we clearly do.

Obama set the precedent a few months back. Obama CLEARLY set the precedent.

Back when I wrote the article, “We Are All Iranian Prisoners Now”…It was back in September…I stated, “You weren’t ‘arrested’ for being ‘spies’ you were KIDNAPPED for being AMERICANS. You weren’t ‘released’ after a ‘court’ hearing; you were PUT ON DISPLAY and RANSOMED. Now, because of YOU, dictators and other criminals around the world KNOW they can kidnap Americans and get paid to let them go.

YOU slackers have made the world MORE dangerous for Americans.”

I was referring to those 3 IDIOT hikers who got themselves…ARRESTED…in IRAN…for being…SPIES.

The nation of Oman finally bailed them out…in effect…PAYING THEIR RANSOM.

Who thinks Oman simply did that out of the kindness of their little hearts?

Now, Iran has Hekmati…ARRESTED for being a SPY…in IRAN.

Sound familiar?

Will Hekmati’s appeal be successful? Highly unlikely. If his appeal is successful, he goes free and Iran loses its bargaining chip. If Hekmati’s appeal is unsuccessful, will he be executed? Also highly unlikely. If he’s executed, Iran loses its bargaining chip.

Expect Hekmati to be a prisoner in Iran for some time.

To figure out what Hekmati is to Obama, we again go back to the first sentence of this article.

Iran says that Amir Mirzaei Hekmati,  “former” Marine, is a CIA spy.

To Obama, the key words are, “Amir Mizraei Hekmati.”

Hekmati holds dual citizenship…American and Iranian and was in the Marines until 2005. He was born in Arizona and moved with his family to Michigan where he graduated from high school.

While we have no idea, at this point, whether Hekmati is Muslim, we do know, clearly, Michigan has the largest Muslim population in the United States and his name, Amir Mirzaei Hekmati “SOUNDS” Muslim enough to most.

To Obama, Hekmati could well become a campaign piece.

No doubt, many conservatives will want Hekmati released as he is a Marine. Obama could well use Hekmati to chide conservatives who have riled at Muslims like the Fort Hood shooter.

Why would conservatives have a problem with Nidal Malik Hassan because he’s a Muslim but not with Hekmati? How could conservatives want Hassan dealt with harshly but Hekmati rescued? Obama and liberals will claim a double standard.

Obama will most likely remain silent allowing liberals to carry the double standard water for him.

To Obama, Hekmati is a campaign policy talking point.

Either way you look at it, Hekmati is a pawn.

He’s a pawn of Iran in dealing with the West, a bargaining chip, leverage to keep the United States and possibly Israel at bay or in the case of Israel, keeping the United States from backing any play by Israel to destroy Iran’s ability to produce nukes.

Hekmati is also a pawn of the liberals in that he can create a “double standard” in the way conservatives approach Muslims, or possible Muslims (as we don’t really know at this point, Hekmati’s affiliation) in the military.

So, what do I think should be done?

Hekmati’s family says he is NOT a spy. They say he went to Iran to visit his grandmothers last August.

Okay, I realize Hekmati holds dual citizenship but, really? He went to Iran to visit his grandmothers?

Let’s say Hekmati’s family is correct and that really WAS the purpose of his trip. That doesn’t exactly make Hekmati the sharpest tool in the shed…does it? If Hekmati’s family is correct, aside from a family connection, Hekmati is no brighter than those 3 hikers.

As a Marine, Hekmati was a military translator.

This guy SHOULD have known better than to have a family reunion in Iran in August.

Keep in mind that when he traveled to Iran to visit his grandmothers, 2 of those 3 hikers were still being held for ransom IN Iran.

That means, as a U.S. citizen and “former” Marine, Hekmati went for a family reunion in a country which was currently holding Americans as hostages.

Bright boy.

Here’s a common sense question which nobody else, at this point, is asking…So I will.

Why do we allow someone with ANY dual citizenship serve in our military?

Much LESS dual citizenship with a country like Iran.

Iran is decidedly unfriendly to the United States and wants to erase one of our strongest allies from the map. We have no diplomatic relations with Iran and we don’t even have an embassy there.

Sort of lets the air out of the “double standard” balloon…doesn’t it?

If Hekmati did go to Iran to visit his grandmothers, he’s a fool.

If Hekmati is a spy, he’s not a good enough one to keep from getting caught.

I really doubt he is a spy for the CIA or anyone else.

At the end of my article regarding the “hikers,” I passed along some sage advice and I feel the need now, to pass along some more.

First to the Pentagon…Screw political correctness. If someone holds dual citizenship, especially with a country which holds rallies in the streets where they chant “DEATH TO AMERICA,” they ought not participate in our military.

And to those wishing to “Visit their grandmothers” or any other relatives or friends in Iran…Skype or FaceBook video chat. The only part of the dual citizenship Iran cares about is the part that says “American” and, it seems, they don’t like it.

Now, what to do regarding Mr. Hekmati. If he was there on official business, do whatever is possible to get him out. If he traveled to Iran voluntarily, to visit his grandmothers, nothing should be done.

For those who believe I’m making my case based on his last name…click the link above to my article on the “hikers.” For those who feel I’m being un-American…like I advised the Pentagon…Screw political correctness.

I just can’t seem to summon up the proper level of compassion for people who decide to go over the falls in a barrel any more than I can for those who decide to take a hike or visit their grandmothers in Iran.