Obama Poll Numbers Dropping in Key Areas

The latest Fox News poll just came out and in it, a few things jump out. Obama, campaigning and pandering nearly nonstop, simply isn’t making progress. In fact, he’s losing ground.

With less than a year to go before ballots are cast, Obama is in it deep and quite possibly, too deep to get out. This is no time for conservatives to relax however, rather, to kick things into high gear. The pressure must be kept on and increased at every turn.

As I have said over and over again, if republican candidates continue to take shots at one another, it diverts attention away from the real issue and that issue IS Obama.

Here are a few of the latest poll results.

Here, while Obama’s approval numbers are not at their all time low, they are certainly approaching that point but his DISapproval numbers ARE at the all time high point. At this point, it’s not good for a guy hoping to be reelected.

If “It’s the economy, stupid” as was once famously proclaimed, Obama is in deep sand. Take a look at the healthcare numbers too…There is, upcoming, a more startling figure in that regard.

Here, in poll question 42, it’s clear that LESS than one quarter of respondents believe the individual mandate, that portion of Obamacare which will be heard mext spring by the Supreme Court, is something they want any part of. Remember, as far as domestic policy is concerned, Obamacare is the FOCAL point of Obama’s reelection bid.

Really? He’s going to go out there and campaign on the merits of the individual mandate? He’s going to campaign on Obamacare?

Almost a full 3/4 of those poled cannot think of ANY circumstance where the federal government should be able to require Americans to buy something whether they want it or not.

Let’s get back to the “It’s the economy, stupid” part of this latest poll. One of the most STUNNING results shows that 1% believe the economy is in great shape and only 5% believe the economy is in good shape. While I, for one, would love to know who THOSE people were, the real meat in THIS section of the poll is the result showing that a full 94% believe the economy is in bad shape…that’s the total of the 28% who say the economy is “only fair” and 66% who say “poor.”

That 66% poor rating is the highest sine the inception of the Fox News poll, by the way.

Obama’s HIGHEST rankings in this latest poll come from his handling of Iraq with a full 50% believing he’s done a good job. This, I believe, will change in the coming year and could change drastically.

Once our troops are completely removed from Iraq, which will happen by the end of this month, yet another vacuum will have been created in that region. Where the Muslim Brotherhood moved right into Egypt, in Iraq, it’s Iran knocking on the door. Should Iran make a move on Iraq, and I believe they will, Obama’s Iraq job approval will probably drop dramatically.

Also sure to have an affect on Obama’s foreign policy approval numbers will be situations with Pakistan and certainly with Israel. Both are lightning rods and Obama’s continued negativity toward Israel is already hurting him amongst Jewish voters. One cannot discount the situation in Syria either as that is rushing toward the boil-over point.

As Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood continue to talk about a reassessment of the Camp David accord, should THAT fall apart, Obama will certainly take a hit in that regard.

While Obama continues to blame Bush and everything from a Tsunami in Japan to a do nothing congress which continues to pass bills his own party kills…Obama’s polling numbers continue to drop. Conservatives must continue to place reality in front of the American public at every turn and keep the pressure on the current occupant.

To View the Full Fox News Poll Results, Please Click Here.

4 thoughts on “Obama Poll Numbers Dropping in Key Areas

  1. I think its great the American people are waking up and his poll numbers continue to fall. However, some are wanting to get rid of him “before” the election in 2012…..this might not be a good idea? If Obummer is gotten rid of somehow, that would put Hillary on the ticket….she would take votes away from
    the republication candidate…..votes that Obummer could never take away. Leave him in….go to the polls by the Millions…..and vote him out!!! Vote against him to the point that he will be more embarrased that Jimmy Carter!


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