Obama Taking a Break from Taking a Break to Go on Vacation

After chiding republicans for doing nothing on the payroll tax issue, we have discovered Obama will take a much needed break from his arduous schedule of blaming republicans for doing nothing to take a 17 day vacation to what he believes to be the Asian nation–state of Hawaii.

Where exactly Hawaii falls in the 57+ states, we’re not exactly sure and, as Obama threatened that both he and congress may have to work over Christmas, that doesn’t seem likely as during his last “working vacation” Obama only worked on his golf swing.

He’s still way off to the left side of the fairway.

Just weeks after returning from his last “working vacation,” Obama called for a joint session of congress to demand passage of a bill which had yet to be written.

We can all expect another joint session ballyhoo after this 17 day golf outing as well since it will again be time for Obama’s Socialization of the State address.

The last one featured Obama’s “Winning The Future” (WTF) and his “Sputnik Moment” which made us all wonder…Winning The Future???

This time around, we’re likely to hear more about the “Do Nothing Congress” (DNC) which should lead to a fairly predictable official republican response.

While Obama has busied himself with blaming republicans for doing nothing, republicans have been busy doing a lot.

Right now, there are some 25 jobs bills, passed by the republican controlled house, gathering dust on some back shelf in a senate storage closet. Those bills contain various means by which to government intervention, regulations and threats of increased taxes are removed so as to allow businesses to grow, expand, hire and stay within OUR country rather than head off to China or parts unknown.

Those 25 bills, and there could be more before Obama issues what is looking more and more like his LAST State of Confusion address…(Waiting for the wild applause to die down)….are no doubt growing mushrooms as are the budgets and debt reduction bills also passed by republicans who, according to Obama, are doing nothing.

Perhaps, in his address, Obama can point out all of his grand accomplishments from the previous year.

We killed bin Laden.

Other than that, Obama and his administration have dissed Netanyahu, allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to take power in Egypt, had HIS budget shot down in the LIBERAL controlled senate 98 – 0, allowed more than 2000 high powered weapons to walk across our southern border, loaned half a billion dollars to a solar panel outfit which declared bankruptcy, watched Fannie and Freddie hand out millions in bonus checks while asking for another bailout, went on a jobs tour in a Canadian made bus, watched as his jobs advisor sent a major division of HIS company to China, attached themselves to a bunch of drug and flea infested protesters who have been squatting in public places as well as on the sides of police cars, assisted NATO in turning Libya over to al Qaeda…

Well THIS is going to take all day….

…Presided over the first downgrade of credit rating in our nation’s history, put the breaks on an oil pipeline project, blamed a Japanese tsunami for our economic downturn, blathered on endlessly over the British Anthem, had an anti-American song played at a state dinner for the Chinese President…

Oh hell, it just goes on and on and on….

While I rather doubt Obama will point out ANY of the lings listed above, other than the bin Laden take down, I am SURE he won’t mention any of those 25 jobs bills locked away by Harry Reid and the democrats in the senate!

Needless to say, Obama will be as busy on his upcoming vacation as he was in Martha’s Vineyard while congressional republicans will remain busy passing bills which will never see the light of day in the senate.

Business as usual.

One thought on “Obama Taking a Break from Taking a Break to Go on Vacation

  1. He’s beginning to look/sound/act more and more like the Caesar of today. He needs to wear a flowered halo so we can be sure.

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