Shadow Patriot’s Rant and No Apology For It

The US does NOT apologize…  I just read an article about how Japan refused an apology from Mr. Obama  (I refuse to disrespect the office of the President by using the title on such as him).

When is our apologizer in chief going to get a clue?  We DON’T APOLOGIZE.  Not that we don’t acknowledge when we do wrong.  I have seen firsthand how even our military does the right thing when we get it wrong.  I have witnessed many military operations and there have been some where we have (RARELY) actioned against the wrong house in search of terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Once the team discovers they have the wrong house, they apologize through the translator and pay the owner for the damage as well as the hassle we caused.  You know why?  It is fair.

Did the US apologize to Libya when Reagan ordered the bombing?  NO.  You want to know why?  Qaddhafi (or however you spell his damned name) SPONSORED terrorism.  We got sick and tired of him doing his thing, and we slapped him back.  Yeah, I know, we nearly bombed the French Embassy, but the fools should have allowed us overflight.  At any rate, that event put Kaddhafi (there is that damned name again) on notice.  He only started playing ball with us when he was caught with his pants down twice importing duel use equipment (stuff used for both civilian and nuclear weapons programs), violating US trade embargoes.  For a few decades, things were OK.  Then he lost his mind at some point.  You know how I know that?  He very nearly caused an aneurism in one of his translators during a rambling address to the UN in New York on 23 September, 2009.  Hope you have your pillows, it is about 100 minutes long.

Did the US apologize for the first gulf war?  NO.  We were liberating a tiny country that was overrun by a tyrant who claimed it was HIS country.  Sure, there is some historical basis for that, but the same could be said for Taiwan.  Taiwan IS actually part of China, but they have been independent for so long that China might as well leave them alone.

Did we apologize for the second gulf war?  Let me check…Nope.  Not once.

Did the US apologize to Britain for kicking the UK’s ass out of the US?  NO NO and NO.  And we won’t.  We fought for our freedom and won it.  And THEY are our allies and would NOT be as powerful a military if it weren’t for our strategic alliance.  Hell, they would probably have fallen under Nazi control were it not for us liking Churchill and all.

Did the US apologize for financially breaking the USSR?  And yes, we did financially break the USSR.  We had the money, and we built all those bombs. The USSR, a collection of nations, was run essentially by what amounted to a third world country known as Russia.  We financially broke them because they could not keep up with our military modernization and nuclear stockpile.  Oh, and we (as in the USSR and the US) had the world scared shitless as the two big dogs circled each other for decades.  So in other words, we maintained world peace by threatening war…granted it was the kind of war that could be labeled an extinction level event.

Now, we have a “President” that is apologizing for the US and all the “mistakes” we made in the due course of war?  That is not Presidential.  Being Presidential is NEVER bowing to another world leader, unless of course it is in due course of protocol…and he is never to bow first.  He is only to RETURN the bow as a matter of respect, and it is certainly never deeper than the one given.

We are the United States of America.  We have the right to be cocky when it comes to international relations.  If it weren’t for the US and the money she has, the UN would be a toothless, spineless, empty shell of an organization instead of a weak-kneed, half-assed organization that can barely make member states follow the rules.  It would be a comedic sidekick in world affairs instead of the main character trying desperately for legitimacy.  In other words, as bad as it is, the UN would be worse were it not for us.

I applaud Japan for refusing the “Presidents” apology.  At least they know the right thing to do.

Hi.  I am an American.  And I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for saving millions of lives.  I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for liberating nations.  I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for wrongs a generation before me committed.  I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for kicking the ass of terrorists in countries that are too limp to do so themselves.  I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for going after Bin Laden, and killing him.  I DO NOT apologize for the death of any traitorous American who sides with terrorists and aids in the planning and execution of operations against my fellow Americans.  I will, however, apologize to YOU dear reader, if I offended you, but I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE for my lack of PC.  Oh, one more thing, I DO APOLOGIZE to the rest of the world for the misguided folks that elected Obama.  That is a mistake that will soon be remedied come 6 November, 2012….though we will have 60 days of misery to wallow through until the next president takes over.  I just hope that the next one is worthy of the title of President.

That is all.  Rant over.  Shadow out.

4 thoughts on “Shadow Patriot’s Rant and No Apology For It

  1. Nora, you are welcome! I could not pass up the the invite to write for Craig’s webpage (that and about 3 of his friends successfully pestered me into doing it).

  2. Maybe. Who knows… there are a lot of parallels. There are also a lot of patriotic Americans who want to see the Constitution restored. The money men may have all the money, but the groups out there lack organization and central control. While that may make them harder to stop, they won’t be able to gain much of a foothold. I kind of see the OWS movements as more of a cold sore than a terminal illness. I think you will be surprised.

    A lot of the people I know have seen the writing on the wall for some time now. I have been preparing for some kind of event, be it weather related or otherwise. Honestly, I would still be preparing like I am even if government were acting as it should. It is the responsible thing to do.

    Robert, we will be fine. We just have to let the OWS movements burn themselves out, and we have to document everything with video. I don’t think the movements are willing to see what WE are saying, but those with open eyes can see everything for what it is. Especially when the President (one of the millionaires/billionaires) is fanning the protests.

  3. I think George Soros is planing a economic collapse to coinside with his OWS movement. It’s now or never for the Communist/Progressives. The Press has already shown their hand and when we defeat them in November 2012 there will be an attempt to take over this country thru Marxist revolution fomenting on liberal campuses thru out America and Europe. If you are over 60 you can see this is a replay of the last progressive surge in the late sixties only way more organized and funded by those who have always wanted to bring us down into their pit of equil misery. I don’t think I’m wrong on the severity of this mess.

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