Mt. Obama is Rumbling

As conservatives, there is a question to which we must seek an answer. Have we been wasting our time trying to bring down this current administration? Liberals will no doubt believe we’ve seen the light if we answer yes and a chorus of “I told you so” will ring loudly from the left.

So, HAVE we been wasting time and effort? It would seem that maybe…MAYBE we have. Happy liberals rejoice.

Ummm…not so fast.

We MAY have been wasting our time because it is now beginning to seem like we didn’t need to help. This administration is starting to bring itself down, crumbling before our eyes, imploding. Stand back…the debris field is gonna be huge!

To be fair to liberals, it all started to fall apart during the 2008 campaign. It was Obama’s own words, his own platform during the campaign which created the hairline cracks which were, and have, expanded. He called this the greatest nation on earth and also said he would fundamentally change it. If indeed this was the greatest nation, why change it – and for that matter, change it into what exactly?

Obama said we needed to spread the wealth and a plumber spotted a slow leak in the liberal pipe. Drip, drip, drip. Everybody knows that adding water to even the smallest crack in a foundation will eventually cause a major problem.

Obama promised to close Gitmo. He PROMISED. We conservatives knew the folly of such a promise – and yes, we gnashed our collective conservative teeth over it – but we needn’t have gnashed at all. Gitmo remains open for business, and a broken promise is how a hairline fracture becomes a sizable crack.

“I’ll cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term,” Obama stated. Uh oh. Here we have two new fault lines opening up. Arrogance is always fault (if you will allow an earthquake analogy or pun to slip into the dialogue) and when he said THEN “…by the end of my…FIRST…term” it was obvious he had enough arrogance to believe that before he was even elected he would serve not one but two terms. The corresponding second fault is what would become yet another broken promise…cutting the deficit in half turned into tripling the deficit.

“We’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it” and failed stimulus spending, cash for clunkers and printing new money for more and more spending to get us out of debt just continued to add to the shaky ground upon which this administration has been standing.

Now, it seems quite likely that the individual mandate in Obamacare will be found, by the Supreme Court, to be unconstitutional. If it is so found, that which Obama considers his crowning achievement, will crumble to dust.

“Pass this stimulus or else we’ll see unemployment at 8 percent.”

Ahhh…the good old days.

Yes, we conservatives did help the process along in the 2010 midterm election by causing a landslide in the House which has led to Obama and his administration’s inability to mask the damage to their socialist foundation. We will gladly take credit for that.

Think of liberals, voting liberals, as the levees protecting Obama from the oncoming flood. What happens if the levee starts to erode as it surely did when the anti-war President entered into the war in Libya? Oh sure, he called it a “Kinetic Action,” but even liberals knew better than that – and it clearly didn’t help after years of harping on Bush for engaging in what liberals became all too fond of calling an “illegal” war in Iraq when THEIR guy bypassed Congress to engage us in Libya. Yes, Obama tried to pass the buck to NATO as fast as he could, but the damage was done and the levee was eroding.

You can’t build a solid structure on sand when the flood waters are coming; but isn’t that exactly what Obama has tried to do by appointing a green jobs czar with direct ties to the communist party, seating a tax cheat to head the Treasury, and appointing a jobs creation adviser who’s company has moved two of its major divisions to China…just to name a few?

How solid can Obama’s insistence on socialized medicine, aka Obamacare, be when his administration continues to hand out waivers like candy on Halloween? Green jobs are the future and Obama’s own job creator, Mr. “I’m moving to China” Immelt, secures a waiver from the EPA for HIS company?

Just LOOK at all the things, and I’ve only pointed out a few, that Obama and his administration have done to bring themselves down without the assistance of we conservatives. It’s ASTOUNDING!!!

Okay, that’s a bunch of damage, self-inflicted damage Obama has foisted upon himself – but frankly, it pales in comparison to what’s coming.

All volcanoes rumble and belch before a massive and devastating eruption. Sometimes they rumble for months and, at times, for mere hours – but those rumblings are telltale signs of mounting pressure; and while we don’t know exactly when…we do know they’re going to blow. Mount Obama is exhibiting a tremendous amount of seismic activity.

Fast and Furious, the gun running scandal is a key component. The DEA supplied guns to Mexican gangs and cartels and tried to trace them. They couldn’t. Those guns got away because some of the tracking devices, purchased and built of parts from Radio Shack, didn’t work and those guns are now showing up at violent crime scene after violent crime scene in Mexico AND in the United States. In fact, one of those guns was used to murder one of our own border patrol agents.

The Fast and Furious scandal and the cover up which followed are now under major investigation. It looks likely, very likely, that this investigation will lead to Eric Holder, encompass the DOJ and could very well tie into the White House. The ramifications are staggering.

Now, a solar panel company in California is being investigated – and that investigation could also lead directly to the White House. Obama himself pumped up Solyndra as a model of American business and as a company which would provide jobs and energy well into the future. Obama then took more than a half a billion dollars of taxpayers’ money and stimulated that company. Just a few months later, Solyndra went belly up, bankrupt. The money, OUR money, was gone – and it’s beginning to look like this administration was warned that the “investment” was a bad one only days before Obama signed off on it.

Right now, there are 3 investigations regarding the Solyndra scam. The FBI is investigating and has raided the Solyndra headquarters, a congressional investigation is under way and just a couple of days ago, the Treasury Department started their own investigation. Keep track of all 3 investigations as the FBI will clearly uncover certain aspects as will the congressional committee. As for the Treasury, look for them to possibly be in a debunking role against either or both of the other investigating groups.

Either or both of these scams could well lead to the White House ultimately and either or both could…COULD be enough to stymie Obama’s reelection. Both scams together along with other possible misdealing to be uncovered by the green jobs investigation should render Obama and this administration so toxic as to blockade any possibility of reelection in 2012 since it will take time to fully uncover all the malfeasance involved.

Two things will become apparent to even the majority of the liberal/socialist voting block. Neither the Solyndra scandal nor the Fast and Furious scandal can in any way be blamed on George W. Bush, the Tea Party, tsunamis or tornadoes. While Obama has done his level best to point blame for other economic shortfalls on everyone and everything other than the man in the mirror, his false accusations have increasingly been falling on deaf ears. These are two scams he cannot escape even with the employ of false accusations against others.

The other thing which will become increasingly clear is the toxic fallout from the eruption of Mt. Obama. It’s already happening. In New York, a congressional seat held by democrats for nearly 90 years fell to a republican who has never before held an elected office. There are 23 liberal occupied seats up for grabs in the Senate in 2012 and it looks more and more likely that liberal candidates will distance themselves from Mt. Obama. The problem is, when you’ve been camping on the slopes of the mountain, no matter how fast you run when the eruption is imminent, you just can’t outrun the pyroclastic cloud.

So, have we conservatives really been wasting our time since this administration is indeed self imploding? Certainly not. What this administration has been trying to build is a false foundation over the top of our true constitutional foundation. It’s a façade. We have been busy preserving the true structure of our great nation and we will be those in charge of clearing the ash fall and restoring our nation to it’s rightful glory.

We must remain as energized as we were in 2010 to sweep away he rubble from those 23 Senate seats and from our White House. We must elect the best leaders for the job and hold the rest accountable to the constitution.

If you are a liberal and you believe in the Obama doctrine that more spending will get us out of debt faster, then you would also have to believe the best way to stop the impending Obama implosion would be to employ more dynamite.

2012 is just around the corner.

Conservatives…mobilize to remove the rubbish from Capitol Hill!!!

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