Liberals are Dead Wrong

This is why your liberal friends are wrong this morning.

Dead wrong.

My liberal friends are already trying to convince me that the republican victory in New York last night is not a rebuke of Obama. If your liberal friends haven’t posed that theory to you yet…they will.

They are dead wrong.

The congressional seat held by the peter tweeter, Anthony Weiner has gone to the republican candidate, Bob Turner, by 9 points. It wasn’t even close. This is the first time since 1922 that the NY district has sent a republican to Washington.

While liberals are busy pointing the fickle finger of blame directly at Weiner – the facts are quite different. Turner’s election is a direct rebuke of Obama plain and simple.

Turner didn’t run his campaign on a moderate platform and he didn’t really even run against his challenger, democrat Assemblyman David Weprin. Turner ran against Obama and Obama’s policies. Turner advocated everything Obama is opposed to and won.

Liberals can’t use the excuse that Turner was slick in his campaign either. Turner is a 70-year-old businessman who has never before held an elected office of any kind. Liberals pointed out during this campaign, in their usual dismissive way, that Turner was unpolished and not a good speaker who lacked the sort of experience necessary to win.

They were dead wrong.

Some liberals will try to excuse their NY loss by saying their candidate made too many mistakes and beat himself. Sorry, that dog don’t hunt. In a district where more than 2/3 of the voters are liberals, they had every opportunity to choose a candidate they thought could win and retain the Weiner seat.

No doubt, liberals felt entitled to that seat after nearly 90 years. Liberals feel entitled to a lot of things.

This special election in New York has shown that what we’re heading towards in 2012 is about more than just the economy, it also will take into account Obama’s foreign policies. Liberals don’t think there’s anything wrong with Obama’s foreign policy.

They’re dead wrong.

Not only was Turner elected in a heavily democrat district, but that district is also heavily Jewish. Those voters have had enough of Obama’s policies regarding Israel. While Obama has turned his back on our friends in Israel, the Jewish voters there in New York have turned their backs on Obama.

The latest fact that liberals will attempt to dismiss is that this special election IS a DIRECT rebuke of Obama, his economic policies, his foreign policies and in some measure, his social policies.

Yes, his social policies.

Those Jewish voters in that district in New York are heavily tipped to the Orthodox Jewish side and they don’t much care for the liberal stance on gay marriage or Bloomberg’s acceptance of gay marriage. Obama has waffled on that topic – and those voters last night, along with everything else, made it clear they stand against the social priorities of liberals.

By the way, Turner’s democrat challenger is a part of that Orthodox Jewish demographic.

Here is a question to ask your liberal friends today. How many, just how many referendums against Obama are you going to require, to see the truth? Liberals don’t see the 2010 midterm republican avalanche as a rebuking of Obama. Liberals didn’t see the republican victory of Scott Brown who now sits in the People’s seat once occupied by Ted Kennedy as a rebuke of Obama and they don’t feel Bob Turner’s win in New York last night as a rebuke of Obama either.

Maybe, after the election in 2012, when republicans find themselves in the majority in the house AND the senate, and with a republican sitting in the oval office, liberals will see the light.

For now though, liberals are dead wrong.