DNC Unleashes New Attack Poodle: Debbie Wasserman Shultz

In May of 2011, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz became the current Democratic National Committee National Chairperson (DNC National Chairperson).  As such, she is the public face of the Democratic Party and it is her responsibility to implement successful campaign strategies for her democratic comrades in the pending elections.

As the new National Chairperson, according to the Miami Herald, she pledged to “work every single day to re-elect President Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ballot.”

And for this reason, little Debbie has been especially busy lately.  She is vigorously fulfilling her duty as the latest DNC attack poodle.

And while no one can find fault with anyone for doing their job, the trouble is, how she does her job.  She has potential. She has potential because there is no level of unethical practice that she will not stoop to on behalf of her party in order to insure its success.

Her favorite weapon is to attack any perceived threat to her party with misleading propaganda and character assaults. Character assaults against the Republican Party as a whole and against individuals such as Congressman West who pose a grave threat to the success of the left wing Democratic Party.

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Will Paul Ryan Steal Anybody’s Thunder??

In the ever changing, ever revolving door of the GOP presidential race, another name is about to do more than throw a hat in the ring. Paul Ryan is about to jump over the top rope – and if he does, he won’t be stealing ANYBODY’S thunder.

Paul Ryan will MAKE the thunder!

What makes Paul Ryan a viable candidate?

IF this election is ALL about the economy, and it’s certainly shaping up just that way, Paul Ryan would be the ONLY candidate who has put forth, on paper, and had passed by the House, an actual budget.

The democrats haven’t produced a budget much less voted on one in well over 800 days. Obama put one out there, and IT didn’t garner a single vote going down 97-0 in the senate; he’s produced nothing but empty promises of some sort of a plan since.

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Congressman West Shines the Light on the Muslim Brotherhood

Hard left publication of the Liberals, known as “The Nation” published a very scathing article about Congressmen West’s recent outing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Young Muslims are up in arms over West’s recent exposé, and the liberal folks at “The Nation” are determined to champion their cause. How noble. In just a moment, I will share with you why I am so impressed with Congressman West yet again.

But first, let’s take a gander at what the folks over at “The Nation” have to say about Congressman West in regards to this issue.

Quoting the Liberal publication, “The Nation”:

“The Citizens for National Security (CFNS) came to Capitol Hill yesterday to give a Congressional briefing on what they consider a dangerous threat facing America: Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Representative Allen West (R-FL), a man with a history of fringe beliefs and Islamophobia, introduced and sponsored the CFNS presentation. Titled “Hometown Jihad on the USA,” the briefing was designed as an exposé on the Muslim Brotherhood, which CFNS said has been operating a four-phase plan since 1962 to “penetrate the United States and eventually erode its institutions, policies, and sense of self.”

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The Problem(s) With Ron Paul

By and large, even after coming in 2nd in the Iowa Straw Poll, most pundits feel Ron Paul will never get the republican nomination much less ever be elected President. Why? Why is it so widely felt that Paul is unnominatable and unelectable?

Ron Paul is a strict constitutionalist and that is not a bad thing, especially considering the ideology of our current President. Obama has, in the eyes of many, trod upon the constitution at every chance. Trod upon it, ignored it, looked for ways around it and claimed it is obsolete, past it’s time, open to interpretation and not to be taken literally.

Ron Paul, in regards to the constitution, is the polar opposite of Barack Obama.

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GOP Deck Shuffled…No More Mr. Nice Guy

Less than 24 hours after the Iowa Straw Poll results were announced, the candidate many considered, Mr. Nice Guy, pulled out of the race – and to be honest, it was not a surprise.

Tim Pawlenty, after a Sunday morning conference call with supporters, called it quits. So, what went wrong?

Pawlenty, the former Minnesota Governor, was by most accounts, a really nice guy but, was he true presidential material? No. Pawlenty had 2 memorable showings in debates once calling Romney’s health care plan ORomneycare and the second, going after Michelle Bachmann harshly. Neither moment would be enough to get him any better than 3rd place in the Iowa Straw Poll nor it seems, be enough to garner further financial support for a long and tough campaigning.

The financial end of it is but one factor in his decision.

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More Opinions on the GOP Debate in Iowa

I asked some friends to offer up their opinions on the recent GOP debate for the presidency in Iowa. We are always looking for a deeper understanding as to why some candidates appeal to folks when sometimes, we are unable to see it ourselves.

For instance, according to Politico, rapper Vanilla Ice weighed in on Twitter saying he liked Cain the best. Well, as we all know, as goes Vanilla Ice, so goes the country.

I also heard (okay, maybe I started this rumor) that Bill Clinton supports Ron Paul. Why? Because Bill admires any man who has had his hands up in more women than he has!

And to tell you the truth, I would vote for Chia Pet Obama over Obama – because the Chia would do less harm to our country!


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Iowa Debate 8/11/2011

Here’s my take on the GOP Presidential Debate in Iowa, on August 11th…

Nothing unexpected. No surprises.

Bachmann and Pawlenty spent the night sniping at each other. Fun to watch, but not exactly Presidential. The Moderator did issue a low blow to Bachmann, asking if, as President, she’d be submissive to her husband. I’m not her biggest fan, but that was sexist and totally inappropriate.

Newt has been praised for “standing up to the press/moderator.” To me, he came off as petulant and whiny every time he got a real question instead of a soft one. I wasn’t impressed with him, or his answers.

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Obama Resorts to Pure Propaganda

By Craig Andresen

Did anyone really think, or believe, even for a moment, that President Obama, given his socialist agenda and ideologies, would not scrape the bottom of the barrel by resorting to propaganda? Of course he would. He is, and he’s using the age old standby to do it. Obama is complicit in the making of a film about the killing of bin Laden.

Not that Hollywood wouldn’t have put it together anyway – but it’s how this is being done which is beyond disturbing.

The makers of last year’s The Hurt Locker, apparently have for, as they claim, several years, been filming a “documentary” about the Afghan war. According to those involved, it was nearly complete when, all of a sudden, bin Laden was killed and behold … a new ending for the film must be shot and edited into the finished product.

Ok … so far … I can buy it but this is where things get … hinky.

According to Congressman Peter King, the pentagon may have been funneling classified material to the film makers to aid in their project. King is demanding a congressional investigation stating:

“The Administration’s first duty in declassifying material is to provide full reporting to Congress and the American people, in an effort to build public trust through transparency of government.  In contrast, this alleged collaboration belies a desire of transparency in favor of a cinematographic view of history.”

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Tonight’s Upcoming GOP Debate Already Has a Winner

With the GOP Iowa debate still hours away, is it too early to declare a winner? A field of 8 will take the stage tonight to debate their positions and ideas before a nationally televised audience and ahead of the event, a winner CAN be named.

Your winner in THIS debate will be … Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas.

That’s a bold prediction considering Perry is NOT to be one of the 8 on stage and as he has yet to even make his candidacy official but, let’s face the facts, he IS going to announce and for several reasons, a strong argument can be made that he WILL win tonight’s debate.

Let’s take a look at the “Perry Effect” on the debate.

Current front runner, Mitt Romney, so far, is considered the businessman with the clearest idea of how to turn the ship of our economy around. Yes, Herman Cain is a brilliant and successful businessman in his own right, but Cain lacks the substance of Romney … at least according to recent polls. Romney on the other hand HAS emerged as the front runner based on his economic strengths. Romney will be trying to position HIMSELF as a stronger economic wizard that Perry who has certainly turned Texas around and been a strong job creator in his state.

Romney will be battling for position against Perry.

Michelle Bachmann, who burst onto the stage at the last debate, will be attempting to promote HERSELF as THE social conservative to beat against the evangelical prayer meeting savvy Rick Perry. Bachmann is on the top tier and wants to stay there heading into the Iowa straw poll and beyond. To do that, she must out social conservative Perry, or at least his perceived strength in that arena. This is Iowa, Bachmann’s home state, and she is the ONLY one who can say she voted AGAINST the debt deal. For her, it all hinges on social issues.

Santorum … a been-there-done-that economic hawk must present HIMSELF as a guy who’s done it at a state level AND a national level to outshine Perry who is a state-only success story. Santorum and Pawlenty must also overcome a perceived if not real vanilla personality deficit when compared to the brash Rick Perry.

Santorum and Perry are both rowing the same boat against the jet skiing Perry.

Herman Cain is a success story no doubt but only in the corporate world. In better times, that résumé might well serve him well, but today, the corporate world is not a plus and Cain lacks the experience of running a large state which Perry certainly HAS. Cain will have to try to prove HIS résumé is better than Perry’s – and in a tough political and economic climate, that’s a nearly impossible hill to climb. Cain’s biggest problem – and the one that will keep him out of the top tier – is no specific answers. Cain will have to stop telling people he will look into things and say what he will do to beat Perry … or anybody else.

Newt will HAVE to try to prove that he is NOT the RINO or establishment candidate because Perry, and others, already HAVE made THEIR points in that regard. Newt is all but gone if he can’t outshine a guy who’s not even in the room.

Jon Huntsman vs Rick Perry could be interesting. Perry has the evangelical vote against Huntsman’s Mormon demographic – but should religion even play a role in this sort of thing? Probably not, but voters are voters and will respond to it regardless of the fact that one’s religion should not be a factor. Huntsman has the foreign affairs edge over Perry as Huntsman was a high level diplomat but the down side of THAT is that he served in the Obama administration … Perry has NOT so … that’s a push.

Ron Paul perhaps has the toughest time proving he is a better candidate against the phantom Perry. Paul has seemingly cultivated the grumpy old men demographic and his supporters, while devoted, come across as anarchists more often than not. Paul’s outward desire to turn our nation’s back on foreign allies and his apparent anger over any sized government overshadow his valid points regarding the fed and tax reform. Personality, while it shouldn’t, does play a big part – especially at this point of the game, and Perry is more personable not being on the stage than Paul even when he tries to be Mr. Personality.

It’s safe to say that the main opponent, at least vocally, at the upcoming debate will be Obama based on the economic crisis, the downgrade, taxes, spending, uncertainty in the world markets, a lack of leadership and on and on; but Obama, like Perry, won’t be in the room.

This is not the general election, it IS a GOP debate leading to a straw poll vote in Iowa and therefore, while showing individual strong points against the incumbent IS important, so too is the ability to position one’s self against the rest of the pack.

Most, if not all, of these 8 candidates have had the opportunity to pit themselves against each other on the stage of ideas and platform strengths. As voters, we have had the opportunity to weigh one against the other for weeks.

This is for the GOP nomination after all, and eventually, this will boil down to a 2- or 3-horse race. Many who are here today will be gone tomorrow as the field shuffles itself out to the point that only the top tier remains.

Will Rick Perry join that top tier? It’s yet to be seen; but as things stand now, he has a shot at that tier. Romney will be there, odds are Bachmann will be there. With Perry, it becomes a 3-horse race to the nomination … but that’s a prediction taking into account ONLY those who are announced, and Rick Perry who WILL announce beyond a shadow of a doubt and soon.

Rick Perry is the new shiny ball diverting attention while not officially in the race and will therefore, be the unseen, unheard candidate to which all the rest will be compared and he is the one which the 8 on stage will try to outshine. Those who drop out after the Iowa straw poll will have essentially been defeated by the ghost of candidates future which is a rather odd distinction for Newt … the ghost of candidates past.

It should also be noted that some of those who fail to reach the top tier will most likely end up in a republican administration.

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A Reckoning, Not In but FROM Wisconsin

The vote in Wisconsin yesterday which placed 6 republicans up for recall by a liberal base infuriated over the successful legislation put forth in April limiting collective bargaining by unions was NOT a shot over the bow, not a referendum and not a precursor. It was a reckoning.

4 of the 6 republican senators held their seats in Wisconsin. Of those who lost, Dan Kapanke won his seat in a heavily democratic district by a very narrow margin last November and was in the greatest danger of losing this recall and Randy Hopper faced the ire of democrats for his support of the April legislation as well as from republicans who have been rightfully rankled over his tribulations regarding an affair with a young staffer outside his marriage.

This recall vote and the GOP success in it should send a clear message to liberals for several reasons.

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