Is the Boehner Plan Part of the West Solution?

As the debt talks continue, drone on may be a better description, and both sides dig in, there is a way to solve several problems.

The Tea Party faithful are digging in and calling upon their elected officials telling them under no circumstances should they give even an inch. Liberals are digging in insisting that THEIR elected officials not to allow ANY republican plan to see the light of day in the senate.

Impasse? Maybe…but there is one Tea Party backed Congressman who sees things differently.

Allen West from Florida’s 22nd District has stepped forward to back the latest plan put forth by Speaker Boehner and even some of the West faithful are talking about leaving because of it. Maybe they’re not looking closely enough at the deeper issues at play here.

West is a military strategist and often, successfully, relies on that ability in his long term decision making as a Congressman.

West knows full well that you can’t take the mountain without first taking the hills that surround it. That is exactly what we have here. Hills surrounding the debt solution must be taken first and THEN the mountain.

Look at it this way.

IF the Tea Party backed elected officials get behind the Boehner plan and they WILL if the Tea Party voters encourage them to do so, 4 good accomplishments can come from it.

1)      The United States would avoid its first ever default. Default is a dubious outcome even if nothing happens in these talks but it is a possibility and must be considered. As a nation, we can still pay our bills and only if we don’t, do we default. A Tea Party backed plan which successfully averts any default or maybe more accurately, any TALK of default and would be a feather in the Republican cap…NOT Obama’s cap and would be a strong foothold heading into the 2012 election. At the same time it would show clearly Obama’s understanding of the economy and his leadership abilities are deeply flawed.

2)      The United States would retain its AAA credit rating. A Tea Party backed plan which successfully averts a downgrade in credit would strengthen the republican position on the economy now and heading into the election.

3)      The Boehner plan is a short term deal which would force a showdown shortly before the 2012 election. THAT is where the republican party can REALLY stake their claim and their success. Obama and the liberals want nothing to do with this heading into the election as even THEY know they can’t make the case and come out smelling like anything better that manure that close to the election.

4)      The Boehner plan includes a separate vote on a balanced budget amendment. THAT is a Tea Party faithful MAINSTAY and places THAT on the stage.

Of course the liberals will claim that republicans are playing politics but are they? The political outcome would be good for republicans and bad for democrats but it’s in fact what’s best for America that counts and this plan IS best for America. The CBO has looked at the revised Boehner plan and say that it’s cuts are more than the debt ceiling raise it entails. That doesn’t sound like politics.

There is also a downside for republicans in this plan. It’s a 6 month plan…short term…and the markets don’t like short term. That means the market may not react favorably to the Boehner plan and hold it against the republicans. That doesn’t sound like playing politics either.

The liberals have had their chance to create a budget, pass a budget, solve the debt crisis and avoid this issue all together…but they either flat out haven’t…or they’ve flat out failed. The fact that all 53 democrat Senators have signed a letter stating they will NOT vote for the Boehner plan, well, is THAT playing politics? The fact that Senate democrats refused to even allow the Cut Cap and Balance plan even REACH the Senate floor…was THAT playing politics?

Now it’s in the hands of the republicans and where the democrats have dropped the ball, the republicans must act to pick the ball up and move it forward. It’s just that simple.

Should the liberals shoot any of this down they might as well be shooting themselves in their collective feet. Republicans can go home for the August recess and state without a farthing of a blink that THEY stood tall, offered up the path for the right solution and voted as their constituents demanded. If it goes through…again…the republican have a firm grasp on victory AND they get to place the liberals front and center in the showdown right ahead of the 2012 election.

Where in this is the downside for the Tea Party?

Congressman says point blank that the Boehner plan is not perfect, yet he supports it. Why? Because, as West says, in the military, if you spend all your time looking for the perfect plan, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve already been captured.

For those of the Tea Party persuasion, be sure you’re looking at the BIG picture before you drop your Tea Party candidate.

Allen West DOES look at the big picture.

While he hasn’t said it, it would not be a stretch to see his logic in backing the Boehner plan from a strategic standpoint. It’s not everything even HE wants but it IS the best way from point A to point B and one thing we must remember is that point B is NOT that point on the map where a budget deal is reached.

It IS located squarely at the intersection of November and 2012.

3 thoughts on “Is the Boehner Plan Part of the West Solution?

  1. OK, let’s talk about “taking the hills” AND the mountain in three steps; C-C-B.
    The “CAP” is already there. It’s $14.3 Trillion right now. Leave it there.
    The “Balance” of the budget is immediately required by existing law as soon as we reach the “cap”, the debt ceiling. Since the govt. will not be able to borrow more or print more money after the debt ceiling is reached, the law requires that they spend only what the revenues are every month thereafter. Revenues average about $200 Billion a month. This is enough to pay the previously promised and contracted obligations including debt-interest, military payroll, social security, medicare-medicaid… and have about $30 Billion a month left for other expenses.
    Previous spending was $1.65 Trillion OVER Budget last year. Reaching the debt-ceiling (“cap”) simply means the federal govt. MUST “CUT” spending about 40% starting the moment that “cap” is reached.
    Therefore the (much maligned) tea-party and fiscal conservatives HAVE A PLAN that will accomplish everything required to avoid more debt, prevent downgrading of the USA credit rating AND there isn’t a penny of new taxes in it.
    Solution is: call BHO’s bluff. Do nothing (something even Boehner and the “establishment Repubs. should be able to do). Simple.
    Oh, the Dems. also get all the blame for making any and all unpopular cuts IF the GOP will support and applaud LOUDLY for this solution… BEFORE the Libs. can frame the spin/lies. (I’m not so sure they will do this, but they could if they had the courage.)
    Lt. Col. West has perhaps not seen this winning plan. Please pass it along.

  2. I don’t know much about finance, I can hardly balance a check book. I do know that you can’t spend more than you take in, and that is what our government has been doing for far too long. I would like to see a lot of talk about reducing spending and the kinds of spending reductions should start I think with ending spending on illegal aliens, and their children, education, health care, incarceration, social programs, housing, and for every illegal alien who doesn’t work for cash an American can work and pay taxes. Also stop spending money on foreign aid, end the United Nations funding, and bring our military into our nation to protect our borders and spend their money in our nation. Those ideas would save much money and would benefit our citizens and increase our
    national security.

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