Robin Hood Syndrome

By Jennifer Stephens on March 14, 2011

A lot of Liberals seem to think the Government’s job is to play Robin Hood – take from the rich, and give to the poor. But the Government is not Robin Hood. It can’t be Robin Hood. It shouldn’t be Robin Hood. This isn’t England in the time of Richard the Lionhearted and Prince John. There is no evil Sheriff on Nottingham. We’re stuck with ‘Sheriff Joe’ – which may not be worse, but is definitely more boring.

Entitlement programs are not, I repeat – not, the American Dream. In fact, I’d argue they are harmful to the American Dream. If someone can coast along barely making it, but not working, on welfare, they may take that easy road. Many do take that easy road. That easy road might keep them from accomplishing greatness. What if Steve Jobs or Bill Gates just coasted along on welfare instead of working and accomplishing what they did? What if Regan had just coasted along on welfare instead of working hard to become an actor and President?

Entitlement programs may have begun with good intentions; but we all know where that road leads. And no matter how or why they began, they have gotten totally out of hand. The Liberal elite are using these entitlement programs to keep themselves in power, and the people on these programs loyal and in their debt. ‘Vote for me, or lose your free ride.’ ‘I increased your welfare payment, so you owe me your vote this election.’ Can anyone name me one national politician who was raised on welfare? No? The Liberal politicians don’t want that competition. They want to keep the masses on welfare, dependent on them, and not a political threat. They know these people on welfare are not going to become the next Ronald Regan who they have to run against.

It’s not ethical to take from those who have worked hard (okay, maybe it was Daddy, or Grandpa, or Great Grandpa who worked hard – here’s looking at you Paris H.) and give it to those who haven’t worked. That’s legalized robbery. Sure, it would be nice to be born into a fortune. But how great would it be the one to build that fortune for your family? Bill Gates wasn’t born into a fortune, and look at him now. I’d say welfare is a crutch, but it’s worse than that. It’s a hobble that keeps people from reaching their full potential. Reaching ones potential requires work – something welfare and other entitlement programs discourage. And what is the American Dream if not the chance to truly reach your potential?

Now, I’m not in any way saying that people in need shouldn’t be helped. I’m saying the Government shouldn’t be the organization providing that help. That’s what Churches and Charities are for. Just one example: In 2008 the LDS (Mormon) Church gave over $100 million in humanitarian aid. In 2009 that dropped to just under $90 million. That doesn’t include the Church’s internal welfare program to help members. And that is just one small Church. I use the LDS Church because I’m Mormon, and know the web site to find the numbers. I’m sure the numbers from the Catholic Church, and other larger Churches, would far exceed the LDS numbers. And if people didn’t have to pay so much in taxes to support the bloated entitlement programs they’d have a lot more to give to Churches and Charities. The point is, helping people in need is what the Churches and Charities are for. It’s their right and responsibility, not the Government’s.

This brings us back to where I started. The Government is not Robin Hood. It is not supposed to take from the rich and give to the poor. The Government’s job is to make sure we all have the freedom we need to pursue happiness.

No, entitlement programs are not the American Dream – they are its enemy. And the Government is not Robin Hood.